

To sponsor a family this Christmas please use the link below

Adopt A Family

Dear Friends of SERVE,

I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy as you begin your Thanksgiving Holidays!

SERVE is in the middle of our busiest season when our services are in the highest demand. That’s why we must reach out to you and our community for help for the crisis we find ourselves in.

 It’s no secret that times are tough for many in our community. Many families are still struggling with the snowball effects of the unsteady economy and the high prices of everyday living. The holidays can be a truly bleak time for many families and community members in need. They fight to stay warm, fed, housed and clothed during the winter months. It often feels defeating to think about a holiday without food, much less gifts under the tree. That is where generous individuals, such as yourself, come in.

This will be SERVE’s 28th year of partnering with Callaway County citizens, businesses and organizations to make the holidays special for our neighbors in poverty. Together we provide gifts for each child, stockings for senior/disabled individuals, hygiene products, as well as all the essentials needed for a traditional holiday meal.

This will be SERVE’s 28th year of partnering with Callaway County citizens, businesses and organizations to make the holidays special for our neighbors in poverty. Together we provide gifts for each child, stockings for senior/disabled individuals, hygiene products, as well as all the essentials needed for a traditional holiday meal.

We are actively getting items organized and children matched with donors but I find we are anxious. We have almost 90 children still waiting to be adopted thru this program.

Can you help us meet the goal of ensuring all these children have: a need, a want, a warm clothing item, something to read and hygiene items? 

Please consider offering what you can to this important, life-changing program. 

There are a variety of ways for you to help:

"Adopt and Shop"- Adopters will receive information about children's wishes and needs. Adopters will be responsible for shopping for gifts from a wish list for specific children.

Sponsor- Sponsors can choose a specific sponsorship level, which will help where needed most and fill in financial gaps.

Donate- Individuals who wish to donate may make a choice monetary donation that will go toward any portion of the Adopt-A-Family Program. 

Collection Drives- If you wish to organize a food, toy, or stocking drive, SERVE can provide barrels and will be able to pick up any collected goods. 

Volunteer- We will need all hands on deck the weeks leading up to the event and the day of the event. If you are interested in volunteering your time, we would greatly appreciate the help!

We know that times are tough for everyone and we are so appreciative of any support you can give! Call 573-642-6388 or email oneserve@serveinc.net for more information on how you can help. 

Thank you for any help you can give and Happy holidays! 

Online Form Downloadable Form Call for assistance 573-642-6388
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